Aseară m-am dat pe Twitter cu #motamot și #overlyambitiousmovies

Vă zic, să mor io dacă nu, Twitter câștigă din ce în ce mai multă popularitate și la noi, pe plaiuri mioritice, și se îndreaptă vertiginos spre culmea atinsă de Facebook în ultima vreme. De câteva săptămâni am început să îmi peștesc sus (pimp up) profilul și să dau gene mai des pe acolo, că văd că lumea bună cam îl călărește și afli tot felu de informații interesante, de primă mână (așa am aflat de accidentul lui Huidu, încă din primele momente în care s-a dat publicității), dar și jeguri multe (riscurile meseriei).

Aseară s-o întâmplat ceva mai special, adică s-a pornit un #hashtag care a atins în jur de 1500 de mesaje. Cam după vreo 8 seara am primit la greu tweet-uri cu tagul #motamot, în care userii exact asta făceau, postau traduceri funny dintr-o limbă în alta. Nu toți au reușit, dar au fost unele bune. Aici am ales câteva dintre ele:

SorinGrumazescu 2011-01-06T20:58:45+02:00 William Shakespeare – William ScuturaLance #motamot

ClaudiaTocila 2011-01-06T21:19:50+02:00 you tube = tu tzeavă #motamot

marianhurducas 2011-01-06T21:25:23+02:00 are you f*cking nuts? – ești nuci f*tute? #motamot

aurasmihai 2011-01-06T21:33:16+02:00 i have a twitter and facebook account – sunt expert social media #motamot

Semanticus 2011-01-06T21:33:41+02:00 Dont cry for me Argentina – Mihaela! dragostea mea ! #motamot

nornegru 2011-01-06T21:38:32+02:00 #motamot Microsoft PowerPoint – Mic moale Putere punct

anurim 2011-01-06T21:39:04+02:00 it’s up to you – e sus la tine si you’re bloddy right – esti insangerat la dreapta. cred ca le-am vazut pe undeva #motamot

themadtweety 2011-01-06T21:40:23+02:00 #motamot trai-ti-ar ma-ta – long live your mother

alexursa 2011-01-06T21:42:55+02:00 szeretlek – is mai buna decat o moldoveanca #motamot

mitzy_mo 2011-01-06T21:48:47+02:00 you cheated on me= ai trișat pe mine #motamot

mariasmaranda 2011-01-06T21:52:14+02:00 RT @ValentinBosioc: i’ll beat the crap out of you – scot crapu pe beat din tine #motamot

Ellunes 2011-01-06T21:53:25+02:00 Vreau sa ma sparg liber/gratis #motamot Freddie Mercury

CristinaBRB 2011-01-06T21:54:43+02:00 Cash and Carry – a căra brânza #motamot

SoaptaFantomei 2011-01-06T21:55:20+02:00 OMG- o manca-ti-as gura #motamot

mitzy_mo 2011-01-06T21:57:02+02:00 Brad Pitt: pussy wetter= stropitoare de pisici #motamot

mitzy_mo 2011-01-06T21:58:54+02:00 Back me up= ia-mă de fund în sus #motamot

gaboss 2011-01-06T22:26:31+02:00 hitting under the belt = perversa de pe Targu Ocna #motamot

aurasmihai 2011-01-06T21:09:05+02:00 check this out – cauta pe afara #motamot

marianhurducas 2011-01-06T22:08:19+02:00 what comes around goes around – roata morii se-nvârtește tzac tzac tzac #motamot

Factoria 2011-01-06T22:07:08+02:00 Intorsura Buzaului = Turnover Of the BigLip #motamot

VladDulea 2011-01-06T22:10:23+02:00 take my breath away = ia-mi respiratia departe #motamot

klubbingman 2011-01-06T22:11:38+02:00 (comuna) Baicoi=Youball #motamot

Pescaripenet 2011-01-06T22:12:23+02:00 whasssup? ce e erect? #motamot

dorchydoo 2011-01-06T22:13:19+02:00 Urlati = Gimme Some Noise, Voluntari = Town of Unpaid Assistants #motamot

mirceamester 2011-01-06T22:14:02+02:00 Leru-i ler si iarasi ler – An oven’s an oven and again an oven #motamot

The_Dorian 2011-01-06T22:13:38+02:00 How do you do? – Cum faci tu faci? #motamot

tomanicolau 2011-01-06T22:19:45+02:00 the axe effect – efectul toporului #motamot

aiurea 2011-01-06T22:21:34+02:00 are we human, or are we dancers – ori suntem golani, ori nu mai suntem #motamot

marianhurducas 2011-01-06T22:24:48+02:00 You Rock! – Bă Petre! #motamot

angelo_robitu 2011-01-06T22:27:52+02:00 you can count on me – poti sa numeri pe mine #motamot

traiu 2011-01-06T22:29:39+02:00 go to blood #motamot

aiurea 2011-01-06T22:30:06+02:00 Shut the fuck up – inchide futaiul sus #motamot

siropel 2011-01-06T22:51:15+02:00 vampire diaries = diareea vampirilor #motamot http://bit.ly/hx7zBw

aiurea 2011-01-06T22:49:43+02:00 La vita e bella – ai belit-o, vita! #motamot

Pescaripenet 2011-01-06T22:52:10+02:00 too much is never enough – doi muci nu ajung niciodata #motamot

arhi 2011-01-06T22:52:34+02:00 #motamot keep up the good work – tine sus treaba buna

alexursa 2011-01-06T22:58:24+02:00 Dick Cheney – Puta Lantisor #motamot

PDorinF 2011-01-06T23:00:15+02:00 dinamo in champions league = nici un rezultat gasit ERROR 404 #motamot

aiurea 2011-01-06T23:04:20+02:00 Explore the Carpathian Garden – haide vino la Constanta, unde fac fetele clanta #motamot

mitzy_mo 2011-01-06T23:06:36+02:00 Craig David- Rise and Fall= Acu se scoală, acu e bleagă #motamot

MrCosmin 2011-01-06T23:07:31+02:00 la naiba in puii mei – at hell in my chickens #motamot

angelo_robitu 2011-01-06T23:07:06+02:00 this is sparta – asta e spartă #motamot

Limmonica 2011-01-06T23:07:40+02:00 TZURTZUR = Sunetul soneriei, iarna #motamot

claudiuciobanu 2011-01-06T23:07:55+02:00 11 metri = pălitura de osândă #motamot

dragoscosmin 2011-01-06T23:14:13+02:00 RT @The_Dorian: RT @lvlitza: Hanging around – spanzurand imprejur #motamot

angelo_robitu 2011-01-06T23:14:46+02:00 johnny cash – jiji becali #motamot

blogandac 2011-01-07T01:08:37+02:00 Alec Baldwin – Alecu Chelcastiga #motamot

Toată lumea se întreba de unde a pornit toată faza, unii erau deja nervoși, alții doar curioși. Păi în cele din urmă autorul a elucidat misterul:

tomanicolau 2011-01-07T09:22:28+02:00 Blog: De unde si pana unde #motamot http://bit.ly/ihn1CR Va multumesc!

Și mai interesant mi s-a părut hashtagul #overlyambitiousmovies, care o fost internațional și la care am băgat și io la greu, că mi-au venit ideile cu duiumul. Sper că vă dați seama despre ce e vorba, să nu mai explic.

blogandac 2011-01-07T01:26:28+02:00 Ghost MythBusters #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T01:22:26+02:00 30 Days of Night at the Museum #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T00:52:16+02:00 Meet the MotherFockers #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T00:51:13+02:00 Home Alone in the Dark #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T00:48:40+02:00 Forrest Trump #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T00:47:49+02:00 The Passion of Chuck Norris #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T00:47:01+02:00 Spider-Man on Fire #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-07T00:40+02:00 DIe Harder #overlyambitiousmovies

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:31:14+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies Scarfacebook

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:23:06+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies International Treasure

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:18:55+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies ei8ht

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:14:30+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies Knight and Day and Night

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:11:59+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies Kiss Kiss Gang Bang

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:09:45+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies How to Lose Friends, Alienate People and Kill Them With a Chainsaw

blogandac 2011-01-06T21:06:13+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies Five and a Half Minutes of Heaven

Cele mai interesante:

ZenImpulse 2011-01-05T06:55:42+02:00 Transformers: The Moon Explodes #overlyambitiousmovies

JustInNotOut 2011-01-05T07:10:01+02:00 “Easy A-BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” #OverlyAmbitiousMovies

SpringHeeledJak 2011-01-05T07:54:56+02:00 Aliens vs Predators vs Terminators vs Dinosaurs vs Cowboys vs Batman #overlyambitiousmovies

janehill64 2011-01-06T19:40:44+02:00 Four Weddings, a Funeral and a Formal Dinner Party for Four Hundred #overlyambitiousmovies

kattabos 2011-01-06T20:05:13+02:00 Gone with the Hurricane #overlyambitiousmovies

JRehling 2011-01-06T20:08+02:00 Being John Locke #overlyambitiousmovies

stukershaw 2011-01-06T20:13:52+02:00 Batman Eclipse #overlyambitiousmovies

kattabos 2011-01-06T20:17:40+02:00 First of the Mohicans #overlyambitiousmovies

DrKenBMoody 2011-01-06T20:17:55+02:00 Saving General Ryan #OverlyAmbitiousMovies

SolipsismCrisis 2011-01-06T20:21:24+02:00 The A+ Team #overlyambitiousmovies

kattabos 2011-01-06T20:26:18+02:00 There will be blood, guts and gore #overlyambitiousmovies

kostmayer 2011-01-06T20:29:04+02:00 The Italian Blowj0b #overlyambitiousmovies

emile_husson 2011-01-06T20:29:14+02:00 The Godzillafather #Overlyambitiousmovies

SolipsismCrisis 2011-01-06T20:30:01+02:00 Se7enteen #overlyambitiousmovies

JayBoies 2011-01-06T20:32:39+02:00 Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe #OverlyAmbitiousMovies

JRehling 2011-01-06T20:33:15+02:00 Slumdog Billionaire #OverlyAmbitiousMovies

SolipsismCrisis 2011-01-06T20:33:34+02:00 Harry Potter And The Need For Only One Film #overlyambitiousmovies

NicLewis 2011-01-06T20:34:58+02:00 Gone With the Solar Wind. #overlyambitiousmovies

SmallBlackCat 2011-01-06T20:35:52+02:00 Schindler’s Spreadsheet #overlyambitiousmovies

martinelsen 2011-01-06T20:37:34+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies rainforest gump

callumcollins 2011-01-06T20:44:54+02:00 Kramer v Kramer v Predator #overlyambitiousmovies

dansandu 2011-01-06T20:45:34+02:00 Dead Man Running #overlyambitiousmovies

SolipsismCrisis 2011-01-06T20:51:31+02:00 The Fuckin’ Amazin’ Escape #overlyambitiousmovies

Saggydaddy 2011-01-06T21:08:40+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies Gladiator v Predator

RosettaStone1 2011-01-06T21:12:36+02:00 The Men Who Stare at Goats Who Stare Back #overlyambitiousmovies

JRehling 2011-01-06T21:16:07+02:00 Kill Billion #overlyambitiousmovies

JRehling 2011-01-06T21:21:11+02:00 Dude, Where’s Bin Laden? #overlyambitiousmovies

hunterfelt 2011-01-06T21:24:45+02:00 Ocean’s Six Trillion #overlyambitiousmovies

a_brewer22 2011-01-06T21:42:21+02:00 I, Robocop #overlyambitiousmovies

Big_Baffy 2011-01-06T21:48:50+02:00 Dr. No. Definately No. Not in a Million Years. No. #overlyambitiousmovies

bondidude 2011-01-06T21:53+02:00 300,000 #OverlyAmbitiousMovies

RainingCatz 2011-01-06T22:04:54+02:00 #overlyambitiousmovies 1,000,001 Dalmatians

SolipsismCrisis 2011-01-06T22:42:30+02:00 White Men Can Jump High As Fuck #overlyambitiousmovies

cohaagen 2011-01-06T22:50:35+02:00 Apocalypse F O R E V E R #OVERLYAMBITIOUSMOVIES

samwise24 2011-01-06T22:59:05+02:00 War Club #OVERLYAMBITIOUSMOVIES

jillfroog 2011-01-06T23:40:47+02:00 Gone in a Sixth of a Second #overlyambitiousmovies

MyShinyBalls 2011-01-07T00:20:24+02:00 Pulp reality #overlyambitiousmovies

Na zi tu, asta pierdere de vreme! Sau nu? Sau da?


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